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Showing posts from 2011

Who Says Less is More?

Not Annabelle.... All girls sleep over...make overs are definitely required.

Christmas Flashback

Our first family Christmas was definitely a success!! Many thanks to the family and friends that made it possible. Here are a few highlight photo's from the day. The Elf trapped them so they couldn't peak... Nole Girl!!! Santa frosted our windows!!! Santa left snow too!! She pretty much hates celebrations in general... My star! Model'n her new robe! My Dad asked for this hat. I wouldn't have purchased it otherwise... Oh good, an Ant farm... His present was a hit... Tablets from the Grandma & Paw Paw Brandt Everyone LOVES their scooters! Unfortunately I don't have any pictures of Christmas Day with the Brandts. Playing Santa is harder work than I'd imagined and I left my big camera at my Dads after breakfast, and then my small camera was thought to have been left at my Moms. After numerous searches by my family and turning our house upside down...I found it in my purse where it should have been all al

We Have Awoken...

Merry Christmas!

Santa Eve

Christmas Eve was quite eventful around the Brandt home! We went go Aunt Bobbies for the annual Christmas Eve celebration. The kids loved little Presley and they REALLY loved all Aunt Bobbies desserts :) The present opening was definitely a highlight as well... Gavin loved his magic 8 ball from Nana P! Puppy Purses After we got home we put on our new Christmas PJ's and started preparing for the arrival of the big man in Red. Since we don't have a Chimney, the girls made signs for the doors so Santa would know the best way to go. We also had some food for the reindeer (Reindeer gotta eat to) that the girls spread in the side yard. (We had previously calculated where we imagined Santa's sleigh to land thus where the hungry reindeer would be standing...and waiting to eat). After the reindeer were set, we focused on the big man. Santa told the girls, he likes cookies AND Brownies, so we decided to whip up a batch of brownies to be on the safe side. Whi

Let It Snow

One Day To Go!

Christmas Wishes

Love the talented Brandt ladies :)


The kids were thrilled to receive a shipment of popcorn & other goodies today from Aunt Kathy & Uncle Jerry! THANK YOU!!!!

We Clean Up Nicely

Here's a quick shot of the kiddos in their Christmas Church outfits...Even with the squints, they clean up nicely.

One Week To Go

More Rack'n!

Last day of school before Christmas Break!! Bringing cookies to their teachers Oh...Elphie!!