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Showing posts from September, 2013

Weekend Update

Here's a quick rundown of our weekend via photos.  Soccer Star The Chargers claimed their first victory of the season this weekend :) We enjoyed what will likely be our last water weekend of the summer celebrating Lukkkee turning 3!! The girls had a great time! Birthday Boy And lastly I knocked out some cruise wear for our upcoming cruise. I CANNOT WAIT!!!!


HB's first BD party at Nana's  Can you believe this little bit is 10?? TEN!!!!???!!!!????!!!                                           Heaven's party this weekend was a huge success!! We had a few fantic when it started to downpour less than an hour before the Swim Party kicked off...or when the green cupcakes started melting about 10 minutes before the guests arrived...but overall it was an absolutely awesome day!! Heaven said it was her best party ever & all her friends left with big smiles! It was a lot of hard work...but it definitely paid off in the end.             Friday night the lady Brandts helped finish up some of the last minute projects. They were actually really, really helpful and everyone bragged on their decorations! Heaven wrapped the cupcake display "boxes" and decorated them herself as well Camo Cupcakes These were SUCH a pain to make. #neveragain The cutest napkin folders


                        The fiercest of the Brandito's tried out for Student Government this week. Annabelle gave a fantastic speech, but unfortunately she was not chosen. Each class only gets one representative, and she had 3 kids in  her class try out. She didn't seem too upset about not being picked, and said she's planning to  try out again next year. Heaven was also interested in trying out was about half her class thus she decided against adding her name to the pot.  T                       We practiced her speech several times at home before her big day at school. Here's a look at one of the out takes.                We've also spent a lot of time this week getting prepared for Heaven's big double digit party this weekend. It's planned to be a swimming party, but with 70% chance of rain, I've prepared several extra games in case we're forced to spend a little extra time indoors than we'd hoped.   A fe

Dixon's Got Talent!!

You're looking at the one of the new additions to the SSDI Chorus! This past Tuesday Gavin tried out for chorus. For try outs, the had to sing a few lines of "The Star Spangled Banner" & when he sang for the whole family at dinner...I knew he was serious!! I'm so, so , SO happy to see him interested in something & I'm hopeful that he will be excited to be a part of this group! He was very excited to tell us today, but of course he started out by tricking us and saying he hadn't made it. The girls let that last about a millisecond before blowing his surprise. He said they announced the winners over the morning announcements today...and he was sick to death of hearing "Congratulations" already!

Birthday Embarrassment

HB Celebrating her birthday dinner at La Hacienda. Complete with big hat & singing waiters Invites are going out this week and the decorations are in the works too! Her theme of choice..." Duck Dynasty"!!! Cupcake Toppers in Production Invites are in the mail!!