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Showing posts from 2015

Blogging: Take 100

So. It's been a while and once again I have fallen off the blogging wagon. Alas I am pledging to once again give this whole blogging thing a shot. Lets see. My last update was January 2014 and a whole lot of life has been has been lived since then.  The Mini's are back in school with just one mini remaining in the "Elementary" schools of SRC. They were less than thrilled to give up the sleepy loosy goosey living of summer, but this Mama was ready to have her structured life back. That and the early bed times.  Don't get me wrong, Summer was great while it lasted. We road tripped. We Movie Nighted. We late night desserted. We summer camped. We celebrated birthdays, Shark Week, school getting out and then school getting the FREAK BACK IN. We basked in the sun, enjoyed numerous pool days, used and abused our "selfie stick" and slept in with reckless abandon. We. Had. The. Fun...but packing up those backpacks sure a joyous occ